【同义词辨析】 2019-09-12 邀请invite-court

invite: commonly implies a formal or courteous requesting of one's presence or participation but may also apply to a tacit or unintended attracting or tempting: a movie remake that ~s comparison with the original.  tacit心照不宣的,表示间接理解暗示,但不说出来implies what is suggested or understood indirectly, rather than said in words,如tacit approval/support/agreement许/助/默契)

bid: implies the making of an effort or appeal to win or attract or the offering of a tempting opening for something: ~ding for their sympathy.   (这里opening表示好机会良机a good opportunity,如her capabilities were always there; all she needed was an opening to show them她一直都有能力,需要的只是展示才华的良机

solicit: suggests urgency rather than courtesy in encouraging or asking: continually ~ed our advice.     urgent和urgency没有做辨析,使用较自由

court: suggests an endeavor to win something, such as favor, or to gain something, such as love, by suitable acts or words: a candidate ~ing the votes of young urban professionals.   endeavor指巨大努力克服困难去完成某事

invite邀请吸引: 表示正式有礼貌地请人出席参与,或表示默然非有意的吸引,bid竞标出价试图: 表示试图赢得或吸引,或提供良机,solicit急切请求: 表示迫切地请求,不强调礼貌,court追求赢取: 指通过恰当的言行,努力赢得获取

记忆方法: 1)首字母IBSC想成缺少俄国R的金砖5国<==邀请俄国     金砖5国BRICS是Brazil, Russia, India, China, 和South Africa

        2)邀请的意思是某人做某事回应mean to request or encourage someone or something to respond or to act.